School Councils
School councils are an excellent way for you to get involved in your child’s education. Every TDSB school has an elected school council. Your school council is an important forum for involving parents/family and community in matters that affect the education of students.
The following information may be helpful in understanding school councils in TDSB:
The TDSB Parent and Community Involvement Policy includes detailed information regarding Operating Guidelines for School Councils.
School Councils: A Guide For Members, to assist parents and administrators in participating in, supporting and managing school councils.
School Council Overview
School Council 101 - provides a quick overview of council operations.
School Council Funds
The procedures for school council funds document provides information about financial reporting for school councils.
- School Generated Funds- Outlines how fundraising can and cannot be spent in TDSB
- School Cash Online- The Toronto District School Board has launched School Cash Suite, an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents/guardians to pay for their children’s school fees, including agendas, yearbooks and class trips. If your school council is interested please contact the Principal.
- Semi Annual Report Template have also been created to assist school council members in reporting their finances
- The PSAB template –required annual report for all councils who engage in fundraising activities.
- School Council Financial Plan and School Needs Assessment Form – required annual plan for all school councils who engage in fundraising activities (Due on Oct 31 of each year).
School Council Insurance
Many school councils are very active in their community and on occasion, participate or organize events that are not under the control of the school board. In these situations, the board’s liability policy may not provide protection to the school council, its members or volunteers acting on behalf of the school council. As such, it is important to ensure that your school council has appropriate coverage in place to protect the council, its members, and volunteers accordingly.
Some examples of events that school councils organize which may not be under the direct control of the board and, therefore, not covered by the board’s policy:
- Fundraising activities including fun fairs
- Wine and cheese socials
- Home coming class reunions (including functions involving alcohol)
- Santa Clause parades, etc.