Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is with the utmost respect that we extend this warm greeting to welcome in a new year of learning together!! Many of you have been an integral part of our Tumpane Family for generations and we thank you for your dedication and partnership over the years! At Tumpane, our amazing teaching teams in both French Immersion and English tracks are highly committed to your child's success and we value student "voice"! As our motto states, "At Tumpane, We Take Action to Achieve Success!" This is reflected in our ongoing School Improvement Planning as we continue to focus on: Student Well-Being, Student Achievement, and EQUITY. We look forward to sharing the many celebrations that Tumpane has to offer including an increase of 30% in our EQAO results with 80% of our Grade 3 students achieving Level 3 and 4 for Writing! Learning through the Arts via technology that is authentically integrated throughout the curriculum and globally continues to be a high priority! It is our collective role to continue to foster students' curiosity, emotional intelligence, critical thinking and collabortaive problem-solving skills as they prepare to be leaders of a brighter tomorrow!!